Engineers Australia Rejection Rate

Common Errors that Engineering professionals make while writing their CDR Project Report is as follows:- 

  • The required word limit for writing each career episode is 1,000 to 2500. Do write all the necessary information regarding your engineering knowledge and skills within the mandatory word limit. Don’t add extra technical info, such as diagrams, calculations, or so on. The candidate with a great profile usually fails to get a positive assessment since they give a lot of unnecessary information.
  • Try to explain the tools, approaches, and resources you use to solve complex engineering problems in your CDR Report.
  • Engineers in Australia strictly prohibit plagiarism. Submitting misleading or false information is a serious breach of moral conduct. The CDR report must be prepared based on your original work, depending on your projects and profile. Never copy and paste the content in your CDR; it will get you rejected.
  • Lack of engineering field experience will be an obstacle to gain a positive assessment of your CDR. Try to include your creative engineering skills in your career episode for positive assessment by the engineers Australia.
  • Do not write one project experience in two career episodes. According to the engineers Australia’s MSA booklet, you have to describe one full project in each career episode.
  • Career episodes should be noted in the first person singular. It must state what you did and depict how you did it, highlighting your own job and not about the teamwork. The reason for this is to weigh up your own commitment to task goals and meeting the project.
  • Thoroughly proof-read your CDR Project Report so that there will be no grammar or spelling mistakes in your CDR project Report.
  • Write all your CDR content in Australian English, which is quite similar to British English.

Include problem statements in all your career episodes and mention your steps to solve the problem.


CDR is a route for overseas engineers to migrate to Australia based on their skills, experience, qualification, English proficiency, and other factors. Most engineering professionals think that they can prepare the CDR by themselves, but after wasting time and getting a rejection, they understand the issue’s complexity. Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is required to appraise and assess your engineering skills before Australia’s engineers.

It shows that how you used your skill and knowledge, and engineers Australia will consider you according to your occupational category and the ANZSCO code that either applying your knowledge complies with all of their requirements. There are certain definite guidelines, rules, and regulations imposed by the EA, which the applicants need to strictly follow. If a proper ruling is not followed in writing the #CDRreport, the applications might get rejected by the engineers Australia (EA) team.

How CDRReport.Net Helps While Making The Best CDR Report For Engineers Australia?

Career episodes should be noted in your own words and language skills and comprise all the competency factors that need to be present to indicate your engineering skills and knowledge. The most important thing is to use the first person, such as; I performed, I designed, Etc. Rather expressing teamwork. You are required to specify your problem-solving techniques and written communication skills. It is essential to describe your role as a team leader and successfully manage the whole project to express your management skills.

CDR Report .Net is Australia’s Online Trusted Company. Here you can get all engineering competency report (ECR) writing for assessment of EA such as CDR Report, NER Work Experience statement, RPEQ etc… Avail the world’s most knowledgeable team for competency demonstration report.